Sunday, 26 April 2015

Ethical Consciousness

Ethical consciousness the development of ethical consciousness is the responsibility of the entrepreneur, because his or her vision created the venture. The key figure to set the tone for ethical decision-making and  behavior is the entrepreneur. An open exchange old issue and processes within the venture, established codes of ethics for the company and the setting of examples by the entrepreneur are all illustrations of how this is done. For example, when the CEO the large corporation discovered book keeping discrepancies in one of the departments, he diverted the 20 implicated employees to make retribution by donating RM8000 to charity. This action commanded positive ethical action and set the tone for ethical expectations.
            An entrepreneur usually committed to maintaining and trust of customers for its services. Indeed, an entrepreneur including suppliers and wholesalers would expect high profits in their  business. However, an entrepreneur also have to adopt a particular code of ethics as a fair, honest, responsibility and integrity. Standard procedures ethical behavior in business practice is essential to prevent the occurrence of any misconduct such as raising the prices on a whim, to hide the goods to price manipulation and cheating customers. In fact, priority customers must always pay attention first. Any act of deceiving or misleading customers by using various excuses to profiteer is outside the norm code of business ethics.
For instance, issue about price increasing in Malaysia that can called unethical in doing business. In the current context, even though oil prices have dropped so much at market price, the price is still not revealed, but there are items that increased in price.
            So, for relate business and ethical consciousness we can take it example from Restaurant Sate Kajang Haji Samuri that conduct by Dato Hj Samuri B. Hj Juraimi. This restaurant famous with their main menu is “sate”. There are many type of sate were have in this restaurant. Since years 1992 this sate was established but were start from in a small way.
            To elaborate with ethical consciousness, owner of this restaurant, Dato Hj Samuri  are very an ethical businessman. Instance, he is adopt a healthy competition in his business and also offer reasonable prices for customer. For example, the prices of sate in Restaurant Sate Kajang Hj Samuri starting from RM 0.80 to RM 2.00 then the others side order also very reasonable prices. In my opinion, a good entrepreneur  usually committed to maintaining the confidence and trust of customers for its services. Indeed, every dealer including suppliers and wholesalers would expect profits. However, entrepreneur  also have to adopt a particular code of ethics as a fair, honest, responsibility and integrity.
Standard procedures ethical behavior in business practice is essential to prevent the occurrence of any misconduct such as raising the prices on a whim, to hide the goods to price manipulation and cheating customers. In fact, customers' interests must always be taken into account. Any act of deceiving or misleading customers by using various excuses to profiteer is outside the norm code of business ethics.

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